Petr Ginz and other children line up with these diaries by adults, listed at t For every account, a film could well emerge. This film is of Petr Ginz himself, at  The Diary of Petr Ginz is also on Amazon, and

We are familiar with Operation Anthropoid and assassination of German Reinhard Heydrich in Prague,marked in the diary of Petr Ginz with later film  Operation Daybreak in 1975,

This list of adult diarists focuses on The Netherlands.More films please. Do our children know.: See also Netherlands Road Ways..

From Petr Ginz and Anne Frank, move on to Helga Weiss,  Helga's Diary: A Young Girl's Account of Life in a Concentration Camp, translated by Neil Bermel.  She had lived in an apartment in Prague, friends went missing, Jews had to wear the star, school expulsions, and finally the deportations.

Barred entry, end of tracks, Terezin, Theresienstadt CZ


Petr Ginz was half-Jewish.  That status delayed his being sent to Theresienstadt, then to his death in Auschwitz. He lived with his family in Prague until all fell apart, and kept his diary, including references to the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich. Heydrich:  organizer of Kristallnacht, death squads and the steps intended to exterminate the Jews.


Heydrich is the subject of a renewed interest in the novel, HHHhH.

Records at Yad Vashem

Holocaust Names, Information

Records are accessible on the Internet for researching information of the missing and believed or known dead, as provided in an extensive clearinghouse of data from third parties or records of transport, and whether the person perished. See ://

"Full Record Details for  Ginz Petr

"Source      Terezinska Pametni Kniha/Theresienstaedter Gedenkbuch, Terezinska Iniciativa, vol.


Gate Towers

Prague, view from Charles Bridge toward the Lesser Town Bridge Tower, and Judith's Tower; and more distant St. Vitus' Cathedral

Petr Ginz lived with his family in Prague during the German occupation in World War II. He wrote poems and stories, drew, and kept a diary.


Mixed Blood

Formal Designation, Nazi

Degrees of Mischling

Petr Ginz is not only a boy, a son, a student, a brother, nephew, grandson, person. He also is a Mischling - the Nazi designation of someone of mixed "blood" - One parent, a Jew. One parent a Roman Catholic. Their child is a Mischling. See a Nazi Certificate for this category at Lotte's story at A child of mixed blood.

Good Duke Wenceslas, in Wenceslas Square, mounted, Prague CZ

Petr writes that, at one point, Jews were not allowed to walk in this Square. Page 111.

Here is Wenceslas at the Square, on his horse.

The area is not really a square - it is a long, wide boulevard that used to be a horse market. See also See more on Wenceslas, and photos and post information at Czech Republic Road Ways, Wenceslas post.

Operation Anthropoid

Assassination of Nazi Reinhard Heidrich

and the Czech Resistance

Later Film:  Operation Daybreak 

What Petr tells us about the events in Prague that came to be known as "Operation Daybreak."

For an experience of the Heydrich assassination in film, see the 1976 or 1975 film about the Czech Resistance assassinating Nazi Reinhard Heydrich*, see post here, including at Places of Petr Ginz, Assassination of Reinhard Heydrich.

Assassination of Nazi Reinhard Heydrich

Petr wrote of one of the most memorable and history-changing events in Prague of his time:  the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich, the highest ranking Nazi in Czechoslovakia and other areas contiguous, an architect of the Holocaust, and known as the Butcher of Prague.

We put together here Petr Ginz' references to that event, its aftermath, and some research about the references.


1. Vinohrady, or Vinobrady

And the girlfriend of one of the Czech resistance fighters, Rela Fafek.  The paratroopers who assassinated Reinhard Heydrich, known as the Butcher of Prague, were often guests of the Fafek family who lived in the Vinohrady District.
Above: Prague; the Charles Bridge.
Above: Prague; the Charles Bridge.
Above: Prague; the Charles Bridge.
Hradec Kralove, Petr's mother's home town
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